DEPARTMENT OF THORACAL SURGERY (head Ruziev Zh.A. tel. +998933349398)
Diseases: Destructive pneumonia, chronic pneumonia, bronchiectasis, foreign body of the respiratory tract and esophagus, chest deformity, diaphragmatic hernia, esophageal burns and complications, lung echinococcosis, esophageal achalasia, chronic obstructive bronchitis, congenital pulmonary anomalies, gastroesophageal reflux, chest trauma cells, oncological diseases of the chest.
Syndromes: Cough syndrome, vomiting syndrome
Research methods: Videobronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, bronchography (including virtual), esophagoscopy, ultrasound, MSCT, X-ray examination
UROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT (head Daniyarov E.S. tel. +998913157852)
Malformations and diseases of the genitourinary system: Hypospadias, epispadias, exstrophy of the bladder, cryptorchidism, dropsy of the testicles, varicocele, congenital hydronephrosis and ureterohydronephrosis, ureterocele, vesicoureteral reflux, doubling of the urinary tract, renal hypoplasia, obstructive pyelonephritis, cystitis.
Urological syndromes: Pain in the lumbar region, urinary syndrome (hematuria, proteinuria, pyuria ...), bladder outlet obstruction, palpable abdominal tumor syndrome, edematous scrotum syndrome, dysuric syndrome, acute urinary retention, urinary incontinence, enuresis.
Injuries of the genitourinary system: Injuries of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, testicles
Urolithiasis: Stones in the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra
Tumors of the genitourinary system: Nephroblastoma
Research methods: Plain urography, video urethrocystoscopy (including urethrocystoscopic collagen injection, stenting of the ureters and pelvis, TUR), cystography, voiding cystography, sedimentary pneumocystography, excretory urography, infusion urography, antigrade and retrograde pyelography, contrast urethrography, ultrasound studies.
DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY AND PURULENT SURGERY (head Shakhriev A.K. tel. +998915348283)
Diseases: Acute appendicitis, acute surgical diseases of the small pelvis in girls, acute intestinal obstruction, injuries of the abdominal organs, acute and chronic hematogenous osteomyelitis, inflammatory diseases of soft tissues (phlegmon, furunculosis, paraproctitis and other diseases), removal of radiopaque foreign bodies under fluoroscopy control or soft tissue ultrasound
Syndromes: Abdominal pain syndrome, vomiting syndrome
Research methods: ultrasound, EGDFS, videolaparoscopy, laparocentesis, plain radiography of the abdominal cavity, contrast radiography of the gastrointestinal tract, invertogram.
DEPARTMENT OF 2-GENERAL SURGERY (head Togaev I.U. tel. +998944760797)
Diseases: Echinococcosis of the abdominal organs, Hirschsprung's disease, anorectal anomalies, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, gastric ulcer 12 of the duodenum, plastic surgery, syndactyly and polydactyly, post-burn contractures, secondary infertility, postoperative scars, hernias (umbilical, inguinal, pachoscrotal) , cholelithiasis, cysts and fistulas of the neck, pararectal fistulas.
Research methods: ultrasound, EGDFS, MSCT videolaparoscopy, irrigography, fistulography, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy.
DEPARTMENT OF CARDIAC SURGERY (head. Bayzhigitov N.I. tel. +998915348283)
Diseases: Congenital heart defects, vascular tumors
Syndromes: Pulmonary hypertension, heart failure, circulatory failure, cyanosis of the skin
Research methods: Electrocardiography, rheoencephalography, echocardioscopy, phonocardiography, sphygmography, rhythmography, pulse oximetry.
DEPARTMENT OF NEONATAL SURGERY (head. Mutalibov I.A. tel. +998939995115)
Diseases: Congenital intestinal obstruction, esophageal atresia, anorectal anomalies, Hirschsprung's disease, diaphragmatic hernia, lobar emphysema, pyloric stenosis, incomplete bowel rotation, Ledd's syndrome, congenital hydronephrosis, spinal hernia, teratoid tumor, hemangioma and lymphangioma, bladder exstrophy, neonatal peritonitis, acute hematogenous epiphyseal osteomyelitis, necrotic phlegmon of newborns, adenophlegomone, erysipelas, pseudofurunculosis, paraproctitis, and other purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues
Syndromes: Abdominal pain syndrome, vomiting syndrome.
Research methods: X-ray contrast studies of the gastrointestinal tract (contrast esophagography, passage of the gastrointestinal tract, irrigography), ultrasound studies, X-ray contrast studies of the genitourinary system (infusion urography, video urethrocystography, pneumocystography), invertogram.
General clinical laboratory: Detailed urinalysis, general fecal analysis, general analysis of exudate and transudate, urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, Addis-Kokkovsky test, Zemnitsky test, gastric pH test, fecal occult blood test.
Urinary analyzer UA-66: Determines 11 indicators of urine urobilinogen, bilirubin, ketones, blood, protein, nitrites, leukocytes, glucose, specific gravity, ascorbic acid, pH. Measurement speed 144 samples per hour. Storage function: can store data for 1000 samples, built-in thermal printer.
Hematological laboratory: Detailed complete blood count, blood clotting.
Automatic hematology analyzer Model DIRUI-3000: Determines 21 readings + 3 histograms in about 60 seconds, throughput 60 samples/hour, including digital and graphical data, memory for 200,000 results
Immunological laboratory: Determination of T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, T-helpers, T-suppressors, determination of phagocytic activity of neutrophils, rosette-forming neutrophils, O-(null) cells, determination of antigen-binding lymphocytes with echinococcal diagnosticum, determination of the reaction of indirect hemagglutination with echinococcal diagnosticum, examination of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, leukocyte index of intoxication (LII Kalf-Kalif), body resistance index, paramecium toxicity test, blood test for pecilomycosis, determination of blood group and Rh.
ELISA analyzer. Model:
1) Rayto-6500: This method of detection of specific antibodies and pathogen antigen ELISA method is used to diagnose: AIDS, viral hepatitis, CMV, rubella, chicken pox, measles, syphilis, chlamydia, genital herpes, intrauterine infections (toxoplasmosis, rubella), parasitic infections; systemic candidiasis and aspargillosis, peptic ulcer disease associated with Helicobacter pylori, pneumonia against the background of pulmonary mycoplasmosis or pulmonary chlamydia, determination of total Giardia antibodies, IgE-allergy markers.
2) Fluorescent analyzer Finecare FIA Meter Plus FS-113: Portable device is convenient and easy to use, good correlation with the IHLA method, the result is given within 3-15 minutes. Several testing modes are available, fast mode for a large number of samples. The analyzer can detect bacterial infections / sepsis (procalcitonin) and inflammatory diseases (C-reactive protein, D-dimer coagulation, tumor markers, cardiology biomarkers, diabetes mellitus and kidney function, etc.
Biochemical laboratory: Determination of total blood bilirubin, ALT, blood AST, thymol test, blood and urine diastasis, urea, residual nitrogen, blood creatinine, total blood protein and glucose, blood cholesterol and calcium, total cholesterol, alpha amylase, alkaline phosphatase.
Automated biochemistry analyzer Model BS-120: Automated discrete system, random access, throughput: 240 tests per hour, sample disk: 50 to 100 positions, reagent disk: 50 to 100 positions, sample programming memory can store 120,000 test procedures in for a long time
Ionic analyzer HUMALYTE PLUS 5: The ion selective analyzer determines 6 parameters –Na, R,Cl,iCa,tCa,Ph of blood. Productivity: up to 60 tests per hour, memory up to 200 patient results.
Bacteriological laboratory: Blood for sterility, tank. examination of urine, contents from wounds, ear, throat, nose, vagina, examination and culture of sputum and their sensitivity to antibiotics